May 12, 2007

Oh, Lordi! It's that time again...


I tell ya, I love Eurovision. Europe has given us many fine things, incredibly good looking people, incredibly good movies and incredibly good food, but the single greatest achievement is that they still manage to put on the three-hour camptacular glitter-fest extravaganza that is Eurovision every year. It's in it's 52nd year and this year takes place in Helsinki, Finland because last year's winner was the Finnish goth-rock entry Lordi.

Also last year was my first, and very long-winded, effort at liveblogging the event, which I won't be doing again this year. I wonder if the opening number will have people dressed as dolphins? I sort of hope so. I wonder how many people will be dressed in white this year? There were a lot of them last year. I also wonder if, bizarrely, Maria Menounos will be hosting this year? I do hope that Sakis Rouvas is back. He was smokin'.

Apparently there are two transgender performers this year. Or, they're just drag queens, actually. The Danish entry is, as is the Ukraine. Remember when Israel had a transexual performer (Dana International) who actually won (you can view that below). I do look forward, every single year to finding out what dreadful scores the UK entrant will receive. They've been doing tragically for a while now (just a few years back they scored 0 points from all of Europe!) This year they have entered a band called Scooch, who are quite terrible, so I'll get plenty of enjoyment from watching them die a slow (and I do mean sloooow) and painful death at the hands of European voters.

Will Cyprus give 10 points to Greece? Of course.

Will someone dress up like a farm animal? Most likely.

Will good taste prevail. NOT ON YOUR LIFE?!

Here's hoping everyone has an awesome time watching Eurovision in their own way (Eurovision parties are ace). Unless you're from America, in which case, pray that it pops up on, like, BBC2 or something in the near future. Below is Dana International's final performance of "Diva" at the 1998 Eurovision. Remember, she used to be a man! Enjoy.


Dave said...

Thanks for your support of the UK!

I joke. I don't really care about Eurovision (at least as an actual competition- I doubt the UK will EVER win again) but I just rolled my eyes when I heard our entrant. It's the public's fault, they chose it!

My sister loves it, though, so I'll probably watch. I'll be too exhausted from all the work I have to do to argue much.

I find it a bit odd that they show it in Australia (about as far from Europe as you can get), but hey, I guess it has an audience.

Glenn Dunks said...

Well, Melbourne has the largest population of Greeks outside of Athens in the entire world. Plus, we have a whole lot of Italians and such. Very multicultural here. The network that airs it is knows as "the network that has subtitles".