300 (dir. Snyder) - I was roughly 20 minutes into this "movie" and I got a tad bored so I came up with a haiku:

Pectoral muscles, biceps,
Abs, Abs, Abs, Abs, Abs
You like? On one hand I have to give this movie props for being so hilariously homoerotic and, essentially, a softcore gay porno flick (muscle queens and muscle queen worshippers must be in paradise with this thing), especially considering it's target audience is effectively horny 16-year-olds. But then, this weird sort of "movie" is incredibly dull and it even gets bored with itself and retreats into a very long montage sequence. There's really nothing here, is there? Some fancy CGI (I was most impressed with how white they made Gerard Butler's teeth!) and scant clothing can't, however hard some people may want to believe it can, cover up for about five minutes worth of story, terrible acting (poor David Wenham) and a script that asks everyone to TALK LIKE THIS or talk like this.
And, perhaps I'm the only one on the face of the Earth, but I found Gerard Butler's body quite repulsive actually. His grotesque abs made him look fat, although it was obvious that the CGI enhancement was the issue because on the set they don't look anything like they do in the movie. On a positive note, there is definitely Oscar-worthy (at least a nomination) make-up work in 300. Everyone looks so shiny like golden statues and oily and scarred and there was obviously a bit of shadow-makeup used on all those scantily clad men, was there not? C-

I think for me the main problem I had with The Host was that it wanted to be a comedy in one scene and then a scary movie in the next, yet never merges the two so the film feels disjointed and out of whack. How are we to take something seriously when just a few minutes ago we were treated to slapstick comedy? It works better as a scary movie than a comedy, that's for sure, but unlike something even as frivilous as Tremors realised that the scares and the laughs can't come as the cost of one another and so when the quirky (don't you just hate that adjective) start falling over one another and looking like idiots I found it hard to really invest into a storyline that is quite dramatic and intense. I loved the visual effects though. C+ / C

Remember, they weren't even attempting to hide the similarities between the two movies.

I've come up with my own analogy when it comes to John Travolta and his performance. It's like you're watching a scary motorcycle stuntman. He drives off the ramp and while midair he starts doing tricks and you think he's going to crash and burn and then he lands safely. Throughout Hairspray I was frightened he was just going to turn into a disaster, but thankfully he was right on the very edge, which is where I think he needed to be. And, quite frankly, when he starts singing and dancing (despite the latex and the fact that he's playing a woman) the fears wash away momuntarily until he's back in regular mode and then it's back to being frightened. Technically the film is aces too. B+

The rest of the film is so perfectly rendered. The animation is amazing, the voice work is precise and not riddled with celebrity voices (Dreamworks, take a hint you idiots), the cooking sequences seem so effortlessly exact and, considering it's Brad Bird, even the couple of action sequences are thrilling and exciting. You can't really ask much more of Ratatouille, yet it just keeps on giving. It'll be one of the year's very best. A
I guess I should have finished 'Becoming Jane' before passing TOO MUCH judgement but...I got 40 minutes in and didn't see the point.
It was just...played out and, at times, very bizarre. I mean, there were some odd stylistic choices going on. For example, why show a scene of Jane reading her writings to everyone but only show us a montage of her moving her mouth and Julie Walters laughing? I guess I could understand if they didn't think it was all that important, but her and James McAvoy continue to argue about how awful it was that he slept through her hilarious prose. I mean, I didn't hear it. For all I know, it was crap.
And I mean, what was with some of these other choices: the shot that went right through Ann Hathaway's head into another scene, the slightly sped up film at one point, the quick editing as she goes into a rage and rips up paper that makes it look like 'Fatal Attraction', etc...
And, of course, the obligatory scene in which (SURPRISE!) she plays sports just as good as the men! Shocker!
OMG, the scene where she ripped up her writing was so strange. Why was she so offended by someone she had never met before? And when did the two of them suddenly decide they were in love? I must've missed that scene, because in one scene she hates him and the next they're talking about how they can't be together or something. It was very odd.
And whenever someone said "So you will live..." I can't imagine that everyone was going to say "by your pen", which Jane apparently thought they were.
"So, you will live-"
"By my pen."
"No, I was going to say you will live by yourself. Why would I say you will live by your pen? That's stupid."
...or, that's how I wished it went. :)
I should mention that that "by my pen" line is said three times throughout the movie. How many people would say "so you will live by your pen" in real life?
Wow, you are harsh on The Host. I loved that film.
I didn't get to the love part....just the library innuendo. YAWN!
Re 'Becoming Jane', as a female who loves these sort of films normally, it simply didn't work for me at all - cos the lead actor (James McAvoy) was so obviously gay.
I mean, my 'gaydar' started beeping as soon as he came onscreen....
For us girls, if we think our romantic lead is gay, then there isn't really anywhere we can go with the film, is there....
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