July 15, 2007

Don Hany is Hot

So, I saw Lucky Miles (Michael James Rowland's feature debut) yesterday, a cute little Aussie movie that takes the piss out of refugees, boat people and aussie police. It's an equal opportunist comedy. Make fun of the Iranians and the Australians. It's quite charmingly funny and Rodney Afif (left) is really great. Unfortunately it's way too long for a movie that can be boiled down to one five-word sentence "Refugees lost in the desert" and the main character (Kenneth Moraleda) was really getting on my nerves. B-

The best bit of the movie though was Don Hany. Yummy. He used to be on the short-lived White Collar Blue and since then hasn't really done much at all that I've seen. He is in that new(ish) Sigourney Weaver movie The TV Set. But, the best thing about him is that he's majorly good looking. The only picture I can find of him on the net that's bigger than 100x100 pixels is his IMDb profile image. So, er, here it is.

You may not be able to sense the hotness, but it's there when he's moving around on screen.

(if you click him, he grows)

1 comment:

Jeff McMahon said...

He has a small part in my short film and was great to work with.