October 9, 2007

Word Verify finally has it's rewards (also, My Hair! My Hair!)

I was over at My New Plaid Pants replying, quite obviously, to an entry about Arcade Fire when I came across this lovely word verification tag. For far too long I have had to enter ungodly combinations of letters like "pdajhdfffcm" and not enough with actual words like the one below. It made me giggle, like whenever somebody has a word that isn't meant to be rude but has rude connotations.

Kind of scary though was that at the moment I realised the VV said "rump" I was listening to Pete Shelley's "Homosapien" on iTunes. If you are unaware of that 1981 song (from Shelley's Homosapien album) it was actually banned on the BBC due to homosexual suggestions in the lyrics. "Homo superior in my interior", anyone?

And, yes, as the image states, I did cut my hair off. It's only a "four" at the moment. If I decide I like it (i'm still not entire sure, but it thankfully wasn't the disaster I was anticipating) I could even go shorter down to a "two". Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps...

Dodgy photo, but for now it's all I'm posing for right now.


Adem With An E said...

I like the do! It's all very army-boy and suits you to a tee.

I reckon you could get away with the number 2...

Glenn Dunks said...
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Glenn Dunks said...

It's actually quite a terrible picture, but I've decided I really like the hair. I'm just glad I didn't end up despising it like My December or Jacob Butler.

You'll get to see it in person in a week and a half, too. Lucky you!


Jason Adams said...

Ahh, the pleasures of a shorn head. I did the same thing a couple months ago and you feel so light and free - no need to do anything with it in the morning! The whole growing it back out thing can be tedious, though... but it does look good on ya!

And I'm glad my word verification made this post possible. Rump! ;-)

J.D. said...

You look like my friend Danny, which is weird, since you're not in a Red Sox cap.