May 25, 2007

Coming Soon to Stale Popcorn

Now that I've got those pesky awards out of the way, you guys can look forward to some of these projects:

A new Cinema of the Absurd entry. This one focusing on quite possibly the most absurd film of all time: Showgirls. I have yet to figure out the particulars, but it's most likely going to be the most epic blog entry I've ever done. I'm thinking a scene-by-scene written commentary. Analysing dialogue, costumes, monkey shit. It'll all be there. But, boy, that's gonna take some effort so don't expect it straight away.

A possible blog-a-thon. I'm not sure whether I wanna do one (for fear of major disappointment, I guess). If I did one it'd be an Australian Film theme. But until I do decide there are several blog-a-thons to partake in. There's Nat's action heroine one, there's Emma's life-changing acting one and Windmills of my Mind has a film music one. So I'll be partaking in all of those (if I remember, eep).

Reviews. Not only of 2007 releases, but also older ones. Rosemary's Baby came in the mail yesterday and I've been waiting for that for aaages. Plus, stuff like Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Whatever Happened To Baby Jane, Funny Games and lots of other older titles have just recently been released on DVD here so I'll hopefully be commenting on them over the time.

Plus, more music, good and bad movie posters, underrated movies, career retrospectives on the likes of Sally Potter and Errol Morris and more random discussions about ultimately pointless trivial things!


J.D. said...

I'm sad that the UMAs are over. They gave me a good enough excuse to stop thinking about JMC06, so I'm going to go cry like a spoiled brat who doesn't want to think about Pan's Labyrinth and The Painted Veil's massive effects on the awards... [overdramitcally blubbers]

Dave said...

You can never have enough blog-a-thons, as long as they're interesting. And I'd very interested in an Australian film one (I should be seeing Jindabyne soon so I could write about that, maybe...)

I'd LOVE to see a Rosemary's Baby review. I kiss the feet of that film. If it had feet.

And I guess I should see this "Showgirls" thing, huh?

Glenn Dunks said...
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Glenn Dunks said...


...if you have chips in your pantry, that is.

David said...

I loved Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, its one of my all time favourite movies! Bette Davis is just amazing, its a shame the Davis / Crawford pairing didn't happen again for Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte. Which is another awesome Bette Davis movie! You should check it out too, if you already haven't, but i'm sure you have.

Glenn Dunks said...

I haven't seen Hush, Hush but it's been on my DVD queue for a while now. So, after I see Baby Jane I may have to bump it up right towards the top.