March 2, 2007

Chris 'Queer-baiting' Evans

Thanks to Towlerod for pointing out another reason to see Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer (what a horrible title, btw). And, yes, of course it has to do with the sexy that is Chris Evans. He's pretty famous now for being a queer-baiting hussey, aka - he likes to take his shirt off for the camera. A LOT. Sure, the ladies seem to like him, but he has a very large gay following. For reasons completely unknown. So, anyway, now all us gay guys who like to try and spot any possibility of homosexuality in famous attractive celebrity males can wrack our brains over the following Fantastic Four 2 television ad. *sigh*. I never thought I'd say this, but gosh, I wish I was Ioan Gruffard (or whatever his name is). Towlerod got screencaps too, plus the YouTubeness. God. He's so sexy. He kicks pretty much every male actor regularly titled "hot" to the curb. May he never ever wax.

And just because I can...

Chris in clothes...

And Chris out of clothes...


Jason Adams said...

It's a shame that the only thing I've ever thought CE was actually good in was that craptastic original FF movie. He was great, having a blast with it, while the rest of the movie just bobbed dead in the water around him.

Maybe the sequel will be better? If nothing else, Chris + skintight superhero costume = happy dreams for months. And him grabbing on Gruffudd like that only intensifies that reality.

Glenn Dunks said...

Oh, I have no belief that this movie will be any less craptacular than the first one (their villains seem to be ridiculously bad), but yeah, watching Chris Evans on a big cinema screen might make up for some the craptacularity.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Chris Evans younger brother is equally hot and gay in real life, no joke. I'll send pics.

Glenn Dunks said...

...I need those pics.