November 30, 2006

Hah, Fancy that! Brad Pitt could get two Oscar nominations!

There's his supporting performance in Babel, which I don't think is as safe as many seem to believe. But the nomination that seems much more solid is his nomination for The Departed

I was checking out Oscar Watch's FYC gallery and was looking at this one for The Departed (to the left, click to enlarge) and saw Pitt's name as a producer. I can't remember whether that movie that opening credits (why don't more movies have opening credits anymore?!) to notice the name, but... weird. I so didn't know about this until today. Pitt's IMDb page lists it so it is indeed that Brad Pitt.

How surprising. By the end of this year Pitt could have a grand total of three Oscar nods in his career. Two Best Supporting Actor (Twelve Monkeys and Babel) and one for Producer on The Departed.

He was also a producer on Running With Scissors, but let's leave that where it is.

1 comment:

adam k. said...

I did in fact notice in the opening credits that Brad Pitt was a producer on The Departed. I just wasn't sure he'd be one of the few who gets to take credit with the oscar nom. But duh, he's Brad Pitt, of course he'd be one.

Funny that none of his past or forthcoming oscar noms are for lead actor, the category most of the world thinks of him as personifying.