September 21, 2006

George and Cate in B+W

I don't know why I never had faith in this movie. I just didn't. I really wanna see it though. I am thinking this will have more Oscar success than The Good Shepherd now. I dunno. All things considered though, marketing yourself as Casablanca is a risky move.


Emma said...

I love this poster so freaking much! I don't usually care for George, but I am SO seeing this film!

RC said...

yea, i think more success than good shepherd...

i think Damon will get good shepherd love but hollywood loves clooney, c'mon was it ever a contest?

--RC of

Anonymous said...

I hate it just because it's a copy of Casablanca. Sure you could say it's a homeage but this is just an attempt to make it look like a homeage and different when, in my opinion, it's almost a copy that they are trying to cover up as retro and different. Yet people love it.
