September 6, 2007

Not Quite Vintage Bruce

The new video.


Paul Martin said...

Do you like Alkinos Tsilimidos' films, Glenn? I interviewed him recently for an article I'm putting together, hopefully for Senses of Cinema or similar, but also for my blog. He revealled that Bruce Springsteen is one of his primary inspirations for his own work - his championing the cause of those on the outside of society's fringe. In fact, I sent a link to this clip to him just last night (I take it you got an email from Amazon alerting you of it).

Glenn Dunks said...

I got an email from the Bruce Springsteen website, but yes I got it from Amazon originally.

And, no - I'm not not a fan of Tsilimidos' work (well, Tom White and Em 4 Jay are the only ones I've seen), but I can see how Springsteen and he are linked in a roundabout sort of way.

Glenn Dunks said...

make that only one "not". I am slightly drunk and coming down from an asthma attack. said...

Tommy Tutone called and wants Jenny, Jenny's number. That song blows, but I do love the Boss.