The sign obviously says something along the lines of "without cheese there would be no Inland Empire" not "without cows there would be no cheese in the Inland Empire", but whatever. How fuckin' crazy is this. I doubt anything will come out of this, but I'd love to see Laura Dern up again for Oscar. For more of my writings about Inland Empire you can click here. There's a lot. Can you tell I wanna see this movie? It was my #1 most anticipated film of the year all the way back in January...
edit - OMFG! A video has now surfaced of the publicity stunt! Check it out! Turns out the sign says "Without Cheese There Wouldn't Be An Inland Empire" CHEESE IS MADE FROM MILK! I... have no idea.
Hmm. Bizarre. But is it even releasing this year?
Lynch is releasing it himself independently, I believe.
Lol, awesome.
I think I'm predicing Dern again...
Love it!
It's actually quite tempting but this year? Unfortunately I just don't think it can happen with so many players in the mix. It'll be hard enough to get people to watch Inland Empire as it is.
But, man, wouldn't that be funny if she suddenly came out of nowhere and snagged a spot?
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