October 11, 2006

When Bad Posters Strike: Infamous

Words cannot express how much I hate this poster for Infamous. But, really, the inability to express cohesive thoughts hasn't stopped me before, so I'll go.

It. Is. Ugly.

The images in the glasses is a great touch, as is the New York City skyline at the bottom. But they chose an awful image of Toby Jones (as Truman Capote), one that makes him look like a man who wants to flash you but removing his trenchcoat. Then they've copied and pasted the image of the skyline all around him and stuck in pictures of all the famous people (btw, why put a small image of Tony Jones above the big picture of Toby Jones) There's no pattern to their placement. They're just stuff in random places. And then there's the tag line. Y'all know how much I hate tag lines when they're really really bad. Here is another one. "There's more to the story than you know."

I suppose they couldn't really put "There's more to the story than you saw in Capote" or "There's more to the story if you haven't read the book" or "There's more to the story than a bad fedora and a squeaky voice" (which is what the trailer makes it look like all they did to make Toby Jones look like Truman).

I really had hope for this movie because while I liked Capote well enough, I thought it's cold exterior was offputting. Like, the character of Capote was cold and guarded, so it was annoying to see the movie be just as guarded. I was hoping Infamous might be more about the New York scene and such, but watching the trailer made it look just like Capote (there are identical shots)

God this poster if ugly. Too cluttered and confusing and if you didn't know what the movie was about you'd still have zero idea after looking at the poster. Oh well.


Yaseen Ali said...

It's an ugly poster to be sure, but please watch the film if you get the chance. I liked Capote more, but this one definitely has its strengths and I prefer Toby Jones's take over PSH's.

Glenn Dunks said...

It screams DVD to me, I'm afraid.

Emma said...

God I know, this film is going to suck so much.