September 7, 2006

In Sickness and in Woody Allen

So, I'm sitting here feeling like a dead cat, but I just finished watching Woody Allen's Manhattan Murder Mystery and it went down a treat. I didn't know whether it would hold up so well because the last time I watched it it was the first Woody Allen movie I had ever seen. You know how those things work, as you see more from a director you sometimes realise the first ones you saw weren't actually that good. But, yay, I still loved it (probably way more than I should). And it makes me wish Bigpond would send me The Lady From Shanghai right now. Although in order for them to send me more DVDs I need to watch the ones they already have. I'm so bad at that.

Anyway. I think I'm gonna go sleep, hopefully I'll wake up not feeling as if my throat is filled with icky green stuff.


Emma said...

Well, I saw Scoop last week and it was pretty fun.

Jason Adams said...

MMM is one of my fave Woody films, def. top 5. Love it, it's so much fun.

Glenn Dunks said...

Isn't it just. "Madcap" is a term I like to use to describe it.