September 14, 2006

Cleo Bachelor of the Year

Time for a completely gratuitous moment. Cleo announced their Bachelor of the Year tonight. LOL, i know. I don't read Cleo, nor do I particularly care usually about this event. It's usually filled with overly waxed soap stars and football players (while mostly "hot" they all sort of bleed into one another. Check them all out here). So I was pleased as punch to read tonight that Comedian Andy Lee won! Aww, Andy Lee is a major cutie and he's hilarious to boot. His drive time radio program with Hamish Blake is a riot most of the times. Shame I don't listen to the radio, like, ever. I've never watched Real Stories for whatever reason, but I always mean to. Hamish is a hoot whenever he's on Thank God You're Here though. But we're not talking about him. So, yeah, Andy Lee.

Age: 25
Occupation: Radio host, The Hamish & Andy Show, FOX FM
Star sign: Gemini
State: Vic

The last time you went to a fancy dress party, what did you go as?
Brandon Walsh from Beverly Hills, 90210. Unfortunately no-one else went fancy dress.

How much cleavage is too much?
Bare naked is too much … only just. I think it's a case-by-case thing.

Last time someone saw you naked?
The doctor, not in a fun role-play way either. It was a bloke.


Unfortunately, there are, essentially, no pictures of him on the internet except the two I posted. RIPPED OFF.

1 comment:

Simon A said...

Real Stories is pretty ordinary, I think Hamish and Andy are much better when they improv.