August 24, 2006


I DID IT! No, I didn't get a compound hip fracture while giving a wholey inappropriate (and illegal, I believe) lapdance, but I purchased the VIP Edition of Showgirls on DVD. OMG! I've wanted this for so long. I really wanted to watch it tonight, but was all "AAGH! I don't own it! Why didn't I buy it before?" and then I decided to buy it.

Alas, I got my fill of frank discussions about sex and vaginas from Margaret Cho. God, I love Margaret Cho. "Hi my name is Gwen, and I'm here to WAAAAAAAAAASH your vagina."

God, I said "vagina" twice in this entry.

Wait, make that three.

I really need to go sleep... now... or now...


Yaseen Ali said...

I am so embarrassed to admit this, but I've never seen Showgirls. I must rectify this, but I am always afraid of being judged by the rental/store clerk at the counter.

Funny you mention Margaret Cho, because I revisited Notorious CHO a couple of days ago. It's kind of sad watching her in her prime (Gwen counts as one of the funniest acts she's ever done), because she is painfully unfunny now. She was always political, but now her shows feel like long-winded rants. There's no balance.

Glenn Dunks said...

I heard that about "Revolution", but I haven't seen that, so...

(Showgirls is president)