August 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Loretta (and Joe!)

Yeah! It's the birthday of Loretta Devine!! Well, yesterday it was. Yayz. I love Loretta, she's awesome - even if the only thing she can do is the "loud black chick" thing. It's always nice to see her big frizzy hair show up and take up the token black person in a cast. She was super fun on Boston Public and her small role in Crash. I even liked her in the original Urban Legend, but she sorta embarassed herself in the sequel (as did pretty much everyone). She's fun in her small camoes on Grey's Anatomy and all the other things she does. I wish she had a bigger role in Dreamgirls but considering she's listed as "Jazz Singer" I doube it'll be very big.

But it is also Joe R's birthday. Joe is awesome, I think we can all agree on that. His Beyond Actressdome competition is a hoot (even if I can't agree with some of the decisions).

So happy birthday Joe (and Loretta, if you're reading!!). Even though it was yesterday.


Yaseen Ali said...

Loretta Devine rocks. I want to hang out with her.

She better not be relegated to cameo status in Dreamgirls. I will be so pissed.

adam k. said...

OK wait, is this the same Lorretta Devine who was Lorrell Robinson in the original 1982 Dreamgirls? She was, right? Isn't that her in the youtube clip (that I've been watching nonstop for days)? I just now realized it's the same person.

She did play Lorrell, right? If so, how was she so thin then and so... umm... "Effie White" now? Whoa.

adam k. said...

Yes, it WAS her.

For the record, she had my favorite non-Effie moment in that clip. When she busts out the bitchy with her "yeah well it's between me too! I'm as much a parta this group as anyBODY else! and I'm tired! EFFIE I'M TIRED" I was like on the floor laughing/cheering.

Glenn Dunks said...

LOL, you're such a dork Adam! I love it.