August 3, 2006

Flags of our Oscar Nominated Fathers

meh, moving on. I still don't think it will be much of an Oscar contender. It just seems to obvious. While many would say this year's Memoirs of a Geisha level debacle will be the Bill Condon directed Dreamgirls (lots of pre-release buzz, blah movie, tech nods and wins) I think it'll be this one. Except it won't get many nominations.


I dunno. I just don't care? WWII is DONE PPL!!!! I'm sorry filmmakers, but can you please stop making movies about this topic! You've DONE IT TO DEATH! Christ. Clint is making TWO films on this topic.

They would have much more impact on (jaded, let's be honest) audiences if they weren't so common and there were only the occasional Saving Private Ryan and The Pianist. These two films will be something like the fourth and fifth films about WWII released this year alone. I can see the desire to make films on it as it's definitely a powerful one and means a lot to a lot of people, but seriously? Meh. Mini-Rant over! To cheer myself up...

...ummm... that was Defamer's work btw, not mine


Javier Aldabalde said...

I actually like that poster (stupid me) but movie will suck.

Glenn Dunks said...

The poster is fine, but I just don't care enough.

Javier Aldabalde said...

Btw have you seen the Infamous trailer? It's absolutely hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Glenn, have you any idea at all how childish you sound? I mean, really? This pathetic dismissal of Eastwood and his movies simply means no one will take you seriously. If you want to write about the Oscars you're going to have to be a bit more grown up about it. How old are you, anyway? Because you sound about 12.

Glenn Dunks said...

But... but... Mystic River is really good! And I have no problem with Million Dollar Baby winning Best Picture.

And I'm not saying these two movies will be bad, it's just that they're about world war two and Eastwood's had his time in Oscar's good graces. This just seems so obvious for the Academy to acknowledge. I like to live in a fantasy world where the Academy makes choices on what they think deserve prizes, not what they're being told deserve prizes. :P

Anonymous said...

Glenn, the bottom line here is that it doesn't matter whether Eastwood has four Oscars or forty. What matters is which movie the Academy feels is the best. That's the way it works. Are you honestly saying that if Flags is a genuinely great movie it still shouldn't win simply because 'Eastwood has won before'? Don't you think that's rather unfair? Dishonest, even?

Anonymous said...

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