April 15, 2006

Something for all you Maria Bello fan

(of which I am one). I must say though, her dig at Lindsay was NOT appreciated. But she's still great. However "She wears her emotions on her sleeve. Her rage, her sadness, her vulnerability, her jealousy, her wretchedness, and her joy. It’s all right out there." That's Maria discussing her role in a new movie called The Sisters. Sounds tres Oscary if you ask me.


adam k. said...

When did she insult Lindsay Lohan?

Glenn Dunks said...

she just acted all "she's beneath me because she's in the tabloids"

Yaseen Ali said...

Well... she speaks the truth, don't you think? If Lindsay wants to be regarded as a serious actor (and win an Oscar one day, like she just recently stated), she's got to stop resorting to these petty catfights and pitiful attempts to get attention.

adam k. said...

Yeah, that whole thing where her mom was like "you know, she'll win her oscar one day, just like Gwyneth, and no one will remember anything she was doing at this age" really pissed me off. Just smacked of entitlement. I like Lindsay, but I want her to grow up already (and her mom, too).