April 28, 2006

Beyonce thinks if she were ugly people would respect her more. The world laughts at her, not with her

To play the lead in the film adaptation of the Broadway smash Dreamgirls, Knowles, 24, subjected herself to bushy eyebrows and frumpy suits. The result: Total transformation ("Very not cute," she told reporters) – and a taste of what life might have been like if she hadn't been born beautiful. "To be honest," she said, "I feel people would have acknowledged my talent a lot more."

You've. Got. To be. Kidding. Moi.

If she were frumpy and unfacialed she wouldn't have even been in Destiny's Child and subsequently wouldn't be famous. I still love her, but my god honey, don't delude yourself.


And, also. apparently Terrence Howard is ..up at 4:30 doing 500 push-ups, 1,000 sit-ups and a three-mile run before taking his three kids to school. All I have to say is:


You are such a liar. And anyone who needs to spend, what? 4 hours? 4 hours of pushups and situps in the morning to feel better is deluded beyond help. I'm thinking... MID-LIFE CRISIS. But, still. 500 push-ups and 1000 sit-ups? No way! I do not believe that for even half a second. The day Terrence shows up at my house and does this in front of my eyes is the day I will believe it. In the mean time I'm gonna continue thinking he is a tosspot that just happens to be a decent actor (remember the days of "Terrance Dashon Howard" lolz)


Calum Reed said...

Oh my god Glenn! What's with the Terrence bashing? Don't hate on my man :|

Glenn Dunks said...

nah, I like him, but that is the stupidest thing I've heard in a while. And he needs another couple of GOOD movies before I'm convinced. :P

RC said...

That's pretty funny.

--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com

Glenn Dunks said...

which is pretty funny? Beyonce or Terrence thinking they're fooling anyone with their dumbass comments?