March 6, 2006


I. Am. Flabbergasted.

Crash won 2 awards. Surely that's the lowest amount for a BP winner EVER since Grand Hotel won Best Picture and Best Picture only in 1932.

This is an outrage, really.

The awards season officially became pointless and meaningless the second Jack Nicholson opened that envelope.

Just pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. AMPAS will NEVER live this down. Never. They have basically brought shame upon themselves tonight. This is a black day for film, and I am not being hyperbolic. The world shall have wrath upon you, AMPAS.

Actually, the word that springs to mind about this is "disgusting". Paul Haggis has 2 academy awards, people. ANG LEE HAS ONE. KATE WINSLET HAS NONE, sorry... lost my train of thought.

I am actually insulted by this. ugh. So bad.