November 27, 2005


Because Nat said we had to do this if we had a blog, i decided to do it.

7 Things to do before I die
-Attend the Academy Awards (in one way, shape, or form)
-Because a Screenwriter (it has been my goal for a while now, ya know)
-Travel. Specifically to France (see below) and Italy
-Walk the exact same route that Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy walk in Before Sunset with somebody I love (albeit, and known continuously for a while)
-Move to America (or specifically, the Upper West Side of New York!)
-Meet Madonna
-See David Lynch win an Academy Award (er, how sad is it that the others are way more likely than this one)

7 Things I cannot do
-Forget about the Internet
-Live without my friends
-Road Trip through a) Texas (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and b) the Australian Outback (Wolf Creek)
-Get covered in bees
-Fully appreciate Summer (hayfever, bitches)
-Get motivated enough to work out
-Sleep on an empty stomach

7 Things that attract me to people (in no order)
-Sense of humour
-Pysical nature (er... ya know)
-Demeanor (shy, extroverted, etc)
-Passion (for anything, although some things I can't handle)
-The ability to not take things seriously, and to joke about yourself
-Smile (this is the kicker)

7 Things I say most often
-I Love You!
-That's [insert adjective]
-Oh, okay!

7 Celebrity Crushes
-Hugh Jackman
-Christian Bale
-Vincent Cassell + Monica Bellucci (they're one person okay)
-Gary Ablett Jr.
-Jake Gyllenhaal
-Scarlett Johansson



Yaseen Ali said...

I love the comment about wanting to walk in the footsteps of Celine and Jesse from "Before Sunset" with someone else (wish I had thought of that myself!). Hell, if I end up in Paris one day, I'll even do it by myself!

Glenn Dunks said...

Actually, me too! I just want to walk that route, cause... wow. Beautiful much?