December 1, 2006

Here's a cultural learning for you...

Borat! is hilarious. Really really really hilarious. Really.

And speaking of racists, but at the other end of the spectrum, it's nice to read that racists of a skin colour, flock together. These guys are idiots and just goes to prove that Borat! is sorta genius.

I'm glad that some people (edited to include Nick as well) aren't being swayed by pretty colours and nifty camera doowackies. The Passion of the Christ was the worst sort of drama and the worst sort of horror movie combined and I find it hard to believe that Gibson has sunk even further into his self-dug hole, but... well, we'll see (on DVD. Maybe)

1 comment:

Yaseen Ali said...

Good news! Nick D. detests it as well. Sexcellent.