September 9, 2006

They always come in 3s

Much like movie franchises, DEATH always comes in threes, without fail. So now that Steve Irwin and Peter Brock have died (in the SAME WEEK? And both in freak accidents What are the odds on THAT?) who will be the next Aussie legend to die? I'm thinking Burt Newton. And he has to have a heart attack or something on the set of Family Feud because Irwin died in an animal attack and Brock died in a car crash (he was a racing car driver for you non-Australians) so whoever it is that dies next has to die doing their job.

Crazy stuff this week. If on last Sunday somebody had told me "Steve Irwin and Peter Brock will die within five days of each other" I'd have said something derogatory about their dress sense and walked off.


walypala said...

Australian author, Colin Thiele, who wrote Storm Boy and The Sun on the Stubble died this week.

Personally, I feel this warrants more publicity than the other two combined but we live in Australia so it doesn't work like that.

Glenn Dunks said...

lol, but did he die WHILE WRITING and was it CAUGHT ON CAMERA. If not, it doesn't count.