August 6, 2006

Two Links & A Pat On The Back

firstly, I thought I was running really behind on an assignment, but it turns out I've written 1000 words and I need, like, 2500 more in in a month's time. Go me.

I have to give big mushy shout out to Simon! A net friend from way back, he's finally jumped on the blog bandwagon (as he calls it). He's only made two entries at the moment (one about 2:37 which I really wanna see NOW) and it's all a bit plain - come on Simon you son of a fuck, use pictures!!! - but omg I love Simon and he's a hottie too so that helps :P I'd post a picture of him but he'd probably hire a homicidal serial killer to become friends with me before murdering my friends and then come after me before he walks from his waiting place in the wings to reveal himself as the real mastermind.

...wait, that was Scream 2. Hmm, nevermind.

Also, There's a great new cause out there for y'all. It's a gal called Candace and she desperately wants a date with George Clooney. It is now my mission in life to make this happen (okay, maybe not my ultimate mission, but it's A mission alright?) She's cooler than Brad Pitt (as her blog makes abundantly clear).

...wait, I just don't like Brad Pitt. Hmm, nevermind.

1 comment:

Simon A said...

I've got a picture now. Motherfucker. And I'm working on a banner but I'm trying to make the banner... you know... not shit. So it's hard. It's on its way, though.