April 23, 2006

Oh. My. God. !!!.

This is gonna get uuuuugly! Have you read that stuff about Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen? Holy crap! If that's even half true then she aughta chuck his arse out. Drugs, prostitutes, paedophelic pornography (both girls and guys), eratic behaviour, abortions, internet sex search sites, gambling, violence, abuse and DEATH THREATS.

There are sixteen pages of court documents on that link up there. Jesus. If Denise Richards shows up dead sometime soon I think we'll have another OJ/Robert Blake on our hands. (is it morbid that that is what I'm thinking about?). "Respondant also displayed what I can only describe as an abnormal fascination with Nicole Simpson's death and showed my mother and I her autopsy photographs"

(it also sounds like a killer biopic, right?!)

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